Part-DB 配置流程




大家可以直接按照 官方安装指导 来安装即可,我也是参考官方的。

(1)安装docker和 docker-compose



# 创建所需要的目录 mkdir Part-DB  cd Part-DB 					   mkdir db public_media uploads  touch docker-compose.yaml     # 这是配置文件 

(3)编辑 docker-compose.yaml


version: '3.3' services:   partdb:     container_name: partdb     # By default Part-DB will be running under Port 8080, you can change it here     ports:       - '8080:80'      volumes:       # 这里就是关于docker挂载的文件了       - ./uploads:/var/www/html/uploads       - ./public_media:/var/www/html/public/media       - ./db:/var/www/html/var/db     restart: unless-stopped     image: jbtronics/part-db1:1.11  # <-----就是这个位置     environment:       # Put SQLite database in our mapped folder. You can configure some other kind of database here too.       - DATABASE_URL=sqlite:///%kernel.project_dir%/var/db/app.db       # In docker env logs will be redirected to stderr       - APP_ENV=docker        # You can configure Part-DB using environment variables       # Below you can find the most essential ones predefined       # However you can add any other environment configuration you want here       # See .env file for all available options or       # !!! Do not use quotes around the values, as they will be interpreted as part of the value and this will lead to errors !!!        # The language to use serverwide as default (en, de, ru, etc.)       - DEFAULT_LANG=zh       # The default timezone to use serverwide (e.g. Europe/Berlin)       - DEFAULT_TIMEZONE=Asia/Shanghai       # The currency that is used inside the DB (and is assumed when no currency is set). This can not be changed later, so be sure to set it the currency used in your country       - BASE_CURRENCY=EUR       # The name of this installation. This will be shown as title in the browser and in the header of the website       - INSTANCE_NAME=Part-DB        # Allow users to download attachments to the server by providing an URL       # This could be a potential security issue, as the user can retrieve any file the server has access to (via internet)       - ALLOW_ATTACHMENT_DOWNLOADS=1       # Use gravatars for user avatars, when user has no own avatar defined       - USE_GRAVATAR=0        # Override value if you want to show a given text on homepage.       # When this is empty the content of config/ is used as banner       #- BANNER=This is a test banner<br>with a line break        # If you use a reverse proxy in front of Part-DB, you must configure the trusted proxies IP addresses here (see reverse proxy documentation for more information):       # - TRUSTED_PROXIES=,::1,,,  

注意:"image: jbtronics/part-db1:1.11 "这个参数是比较重要的,他会在本地看看是否存在了镜像!!!

(4)实用 docker 命令进行构建

docker-compose up -d 


# 进入容器 docker exec -it --user=www-data partdb /bin/bash # 在容器内执行 php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate  # 这个你可以多次执行,反正初始化之后就会弹出你已经初始化完成了 


等待输出密码后退出容器,控制台会输出一个高亮的代码,也就是待会登录的用户名和密码,之后实用浏览器访问 http://localhost:8080 即可:

[warning] The initial password for the "admin" user is: xxxxxxxxxx # xxxxxxxxxx 这个就是密码了 

(7) 网页结果


Part-DB 配置流程

2. docker数据迁移



sudo docker commit -p -a "qm1412" -m "my first" ae8051601c61  mypartdb:v1  


  • -a : 提交镜像作者的名字
  • -m :提交的时候的文字说明
  • -p : 提交时暂停运行状态
  • ae8051601c61: 打包的容器ID,可用docker ps -a 查看
  • mypartdb:v1 : 新的镜像的名字,后续导入之后也是这个名字

Part-DB 配置流程

sudo docker save mypartdb:v1 > myimage.tar    // 直接打包成镜像(全部数据) 


mypartdb:v1 : 要打包的镜像名字

myimage.tar : 压缩之后的名字


Part-DB 配置流程



Part-DB 配置流程

将压缩包打包到新的环境中,执行之后用 docker images 查看一下就会出现一个mypartdb:v1 镜像名字,这样就导入成功了

sudo docker load < myimage.tar  # 导入镜像 sudo docker images				# 查看镜像 

Part-DB 配置流程



  • 编辑 docker-compose.yaml

这里有个关键的就是docker有个启动顺序而言,也就是说要用yaml配置文件启动不同的服务,那么要修改的就一点image 这个参数要修改成新导入的镜像,否则又是新拉取的数据

touch docker-compose.yaml     # 这是配置文件 # image: mypartdb:v1 		  # 这个一定要修改,不然不会执行成功的 

Part-DB 配置流程

  • 启动容器


sudo docker-compose up -d 

然后控制台就会出现一个part-db的容器创建成功,然后用docker ps查看一下就好了

Part-DB 配置流程

# 进入容器 docker exec -it --user=www-data partdb /bin/bash # 在容器内执行 php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate  # 这个你可以多次执行,反正初始化之后就会弹出你已经初始化完成了 

Part-DB 配置流程

  • 出现以上结果说明已经存在数据库了,最后查看结果,在浏览器访问 http://localhost:8080

Part-DB 配置流程


3. 一些bug

  • 如果碰到docker启动了,然后docker ps 也有进程,但是访问不到网页,所以可以选择重启一下docker 服务
 systemctl restart docker 
  • ERROR: Couldn't connect to Docker daemon at http+docker://localunixsocket - is it running?


