第三期 · 使用 Vue 3.1 + Axios + Golang + Mysql + Gin 实现页面详情页
使用 Gin 框架重写后端
Gin Web Framework (gin-gonic.com) 整体代码量相比传统http写法少了30%,简洁、可读性高。
C:. │ go.mod │ go.sum │ init.go │ main.go │ ├───controller │ checkerror.go │ comment.go │ gameblog.go │ gamelist.go │ post.go │ test.go │ ├───router │ router.go │ ├───structs │ comment.go │ gameblog.go │ gamelist.go │ post.go │ ├───utils │ mysql.go │ └───variable variable.go
alicepolice/vue_gin (github.com)
utils/mysql.go 不要重复执行 sql.Open、sql.Close
前几期犯了一个错误, db, err := sql.Open(dbDriver, dbUser+":"+dbPass+"@/"+dbName)
返回的数据库对于多个 goroutine 并发使用是安全的,并维护自己的空闲连接池。因此,Open 函数应该只被调用一次。很少需要关闭数据库。
package utils import ( "database/sql" "time" _ "github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql" "wolflong.com/vue_gin/variable" ) func MySqlDB() { dbDriver := "mysql" dbUser := "root" dbPass := "sql2008" dbName := "vue" db, err := sql.Open(dbDriver, dbUser+":"+dbPass+"@/"+dbName) if err != nil { panic(err) } db.SetConnMaxLifetime(time.Minute * 3) db.SetMaxOpenConns(256) db.SetMaxIdleConns(256) variable.DB = db }
package variable import ( "database/sql" ) var DB *sql.DB
MySQL 建表
drop table if exists users; drop table if exists comments; create table users( uid int primary key auto_increment, name varchar(255) ); create table comments( id int primary key auto_increment, uid int, text mediumtext, pid int, date long ); insert into users(uid,name) values (1001,"西瓜炒芹菜"), (1002,"玉米炖萝卜"), (1003,"西红柿炒番茄"); INSERT INTO comments(id, uid, text, pid, date) VALUES (1, 1003, 'asdmoapsdasopdnopasdopasopdas localstorage', 100, 1666107328334); INSERT INTO comments(id, uid, text, pid, date) VALUES (2, 1003, 'asdmoapsdasopdnopasdopasopdas localstorage', 100, 1666107328836); INSERT INTO comments(id, uid, text, pid, date) VALUES (3, 1003, 'asdmoapsdasopdnopasdopasopdas localstorage', 100, 1666107329459); INSERT INTO comments(id, uid, text, pid, date) VALUES (4, 1001, 'asdmoapsdasopdnopasdopasopdas localstorage', 100, 1666107331864); INSERT INTO comments(id, uid, text, pid, date) VALUES (5, 1001, 'asdmoapsdasopdnopasdopasopdas localstorage', 100, 1666107332720); INSERT INTO comments(id, uid, text, pid, date) VALUES (6, 1002, '你好', 100, 1666107337646); select * from users; select * from comments; select * from game; drop table if exists posts; create table posts( id int primary key auto_increment, bgcolor varchar(7), textcolor varchar(7), headimg varchar(255), videosrc varchar(255), imgs mediumtext, html mediumtext ); insert into posts(id,bgcolor,textcolor,headimg,videosrc,imgs,html) values ( 100, "#E8E1BC", "#2f5b71", "https://xiaonenglife.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/static/pic/2022/11/20221109232741_head.png", "https://www.youtube.com/embed/zGGTLStyKX0", '["https://xiaonenglife.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/static/pic/2022/11/20221109233251_1.png", "https://xiaonenglife.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/static/pic/2022/11/20221109233256_4.png", "https://xiaonenglife.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/static/pic/2022/11/20221109233253_2.png", "https://xiaonenglife.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/static/pic/2022/11/20221109233255_3.png", "https://xiaonenglife.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/static/pic/2022/11/20221109233258_5.png"] ', '<div class="m-4 text-xl font-bold"> A sound reverberated from beyond the ocean. </div> <div class="ml-4 mt-6"> At the edge of a desolate island, pick up what the waves wash ashore to make instruments. Use those instruments to answer the echoes heard from beyond the ocean. In this hand-drawn world, enjoy a soothing soundscape formed by waves, footsteps and the sounds made from things washed up. </div> <img src="https://xiaonenglife.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/static/pic/2022/11/20221109231919_play.gif" class="w-full mt-6 px-4" /> <div class="ml-4 mt-6"> Resonance of the Ocean is a short adventure game you can play in 10 ~ 30min. This game was made in the 22nd unity1week, a Japanese game jam event. This version is updated with an English localization and with small changes. In unity1week, this game placed 4th in the overall ranking, and 1st for art and sound. </div> <div class="m-4 mt-6 text-xl font-bold">Controls</div> <div class="ml-4 mt-6"> This game only supports keyboard controls. <ul class="list-disc ml-6 mt-2"> <li>Arrow Keys: Move</li> <li>Space Key(Or ZXC): Confirm</li> <li>ZXC Keys: pick up, replace, throw, search</li> </ul> </div> <div class="m-4 mt-6 text-xl font-bold">Save Function</div> <div class="ml-4 mt-6"> There is no save function available as the time required to complete the game is short (10 ~ 30 min). Thank you for your understanding. </div>' ), ( 101, "#FFFFFF", "#000000", "https://xiaonenglife.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/static/pic/2022/11/20221110004301_head2.png", "https://www.youtube.com/embed/vddlEmrbNRw", '["https://xiaonenglife.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/static/pic/2022/11/20221110004259_7.png", "https://xiaonenglife.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/static/pic/2022/11/20221110004259_8.png", "https://xiaonenglife.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/static/pic/2022/11/20221110004259_9.png", "https://xiaonenglife.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/static/pic/2022/11/20221110004259_10.png"] ', ' <div class="ml-4 mt-6"> The past and future cannot be explored alone! Team up with a friend and piece together the mysteries surrounding Albert Vanderboom. Communicate what you see around you to help one another solve various puzzles and explore the worlds from different perspectives! </div> <div class="ml-4 mt-6"> The Past Within is the first <a class="underline">co-op</a> only point-and-click adventure set in the mysterious world of Rusty Lake. </div> <div class="m-4 mt-6 text-xl font-bold">Features</div> <div class="ml-4 mt-6"> <ul class="list-disc ml-6 mt-2"> <li class="font-bold">A co-op experience</li> Play together with a friend, one in The Past, the other in The Future. Work together to solve the puzzles and help Rose set her father’s plan in motion! <li class="font-bold">Two worlds - Two perspectives</li> Both players will experience their environments in two different dimensions: 2D as well as in 3D - a first-time experience in the Rusty Lake universe! <li class="font-bold">Cross-platform play</li> As long as you can communicate with each other, you and your partner of choice can each play The Past Within on your preferred platform: PC, Mac, iOS, Android and (very soon) Nintendo Switch! <li class="font-bold">Playtime & Replayability</li> The game contains 2 chapters and has an average play-time of 2 hours. For the full experience, we recommend replaying the game from the other perspective. Plus you can use our replayability feature for a fresh start with new solutions to all puzzles. </ul> </div> ' ); select * from posts;
structs/post.go 结构体分类
使用 在线sql转golang struct 生成 post 结构体保存为post.go。并将之前各个结构体分别放入 structs 文件夹下统一管理。
package structs type Post struct { ID int64 `db:"id" json:"id"` Bgcolor string `db:"bgcolor" json:"bgcolor"` Textcolor string `db:"textcolor" json:"textcolor"` Headimg string `db:"headimg" json:"headimg"` Videosrc string `db:"videosrc" json:"videosrc"` Imgs string `db:"imgs" json:"imgs"` Html string `db:"html" json:"html"` }
controllers/comment.go 迁移评价机制
package controller import ( "time" "github.com/gin-gonic/gin" "wolflong.com/vue_gin/structs" "wolflong.com/vue_gin/variable" ) func QueryComment(c *gin.Context) { db := variable.DB pid := c.Query("pid") rows, err := db.Query(`select id,uid,text,pid,date,name from comments join users using(uid) where pid = ?`, pid) checkError(err) defer rows.Close() var res []structs.Comment for rows.Next() { var c structs.Comment err = rows.Scan(&c.ID, &c.UID, &c.Text, &c.Pid, &c.Date, &c.Name) checkError(err) res = append(res, c) } c.JSON(200, res) } func DeleteComment(c *gin.Context) { db := variable.DB cid := c.PostForm("id") res, err := db.Exec("delete from comments where id = ?", cid) checkError(err) n, err := res.RowsAffected() checkError(err) if n == 0 { c.JSON(501, gin.H{ "message": "failure", }) c.Abort() return } c.JSON(200, gin.H{ "message": "success", }) } func InsertComment(c *gin.Context) { db := variable.DB uid := c.PostForm("uid") pid := c.PostForm("pid") text := c.PostForm("text") res, err := db.Exec(`INSERT INTO comments(uid,text,pid,date) values(?,?,?,?)`, uid, text, pid, time.Now().UnixMilli()) checkError(err) n, err := res.RowsAffected() checkError(err) if n == 0 { c.JSON(501, gin.H{ "message": "failure", }) c.Abort() return } n, err = res.LastInsertId() checkError(err) rows, err := db.Query(`select id,uid,text,pid,date,name from comments join users using(uid) where id = ?`, n) checkError(err) defer rows.Close() rows.Next() var cm structs.Comment rows.Scan(&cm.ID, &cm.UID, &cm.Text, &cm.Pid, &cm.Date, &cm.Name) c.JSON(200, cm) }
controllers/post.go 获取帖子信息
package controller import ( "github.com/gin-gonic/gin" "wolflong.com/vue_gin/structs" "wolflong.com/vue_gin/variable" ) func QueryPost(c *gin.Context) { db := variable.DB pid := c.Query("pid") rows, err := db.Query(`select id,bgcolor,textcolor,headimg,videosrc,imgs,html from posts where id = ?`, pid) checkError(err) defer rows.Close() var Post []structs.Post rows.Next() var g structs.Post err = rows.Scan(&g.ID, &g.Bgcolor, &g.Textcolor, &g.Headimg, &g.Videosrc, &g.Imgs, &g.Html) checkError(err) Post = append(Post, g) c.JSON(200, Post) }
router/router.go 配置路由组
package router import ( "github.com/gin-gonic/gin" "wolflong.com/vue_gin/controller" ) func Router(r *gin.Engine) { r.GET("/", controller.HelloWorld) r.GET("/queryGameblog", controller.QueryGameBlog) r.GET("/queryGamelist", controller.QueryGameList) comment := r.Group("/comment") { comment.GET("/query", controller.QueryComment) comment.POST("/delete", controller.DeleteComment) comment.POST("/insert", controller.InsertComment) } post := r.Group("/post") { post.GET("/query", controller.QueryPost) } }
main.go 启动Gin
package main import ( "github.com/gin-gonic/gin" "wolflong.com/vue_gin/router" "wolflong.com/vue_gin/utils" ) func init() { utils.MySqlDB() } func main() { r := gin.Default() router.Router(r) r.Run(":1314") }
GameView 详情页
alicepolice/vue10 (github.com)
router/index.ts 动态路由
{ path: '/gameView/:pid', name: 'gameView', component: GameViewVue },
this.imgs = JSON.parse(data.imgs);
传入解析的字符串数组数据必须是双引号 ["1","2","3"],否则会出错。
做了一次类型判断,因为传入的参数可能是 string | string[]
内容介绍使用 V-HTML 标签实现自定义,将路由参数传递给子评论组件实现不同帖子的评论机制。
<template> <div :style="{ 'background-color': theme.bgColor, color: theme.textColor }"> <img :src="headImg" class="w-full" /> <div class="m-4">A downloadable game for Window</div> <div> <div class="my_button" style="background-color: #fa5c5c"> Download Now <!-- <b-icon-download class="inline-block text-lg align-text-top" ></b-icon-download> --> </div> <span class="ml-3 text-stone-500 text-sm">Name your own price</span> </div> <div class="h-52 mt-5"> <iframe class="h-full w-full" frameborder="0" :src="videoSrc"></iframe> </div> <div class="mt-5 h-48 flex overflow-x-auto"> <img v-for="(value, index) in imgs" :key="index" :src="value" /> </div> <div v-html="html"></div> <div class="m-4 mt-6 text-2xl font-bold">Download</div> <div> <div class="my_button" style="background-color: #fa5c5c"> Download Now </div> <span class="ml-3">Name your own price</span> </div> <div class="ml-4 mt-6"> Click download now to get access to the following files: </div> <div class="ml-4 mt-4 font-bold"> [BETA] roto_win_v1.2.5.zip 39 MB <b-icon-windows class="inline-block text-lg align-text-top" ></b-icon-windows> </div> <div class="m-4 mt-6 text-2xl font-bold">Comments</div> <comment-test-view class="m-4" :initpid="pid"></comment-test-view> </div> <bottom-bar :items="bottomItems"></bottom-bar> </template> <script lang="ts"> import { defineComponent } from "vue"; import CommentTestView from "@/views/CommentView.vue"; import BottomBar from "@/components/common/BottomBar.vue"; export default defineComponent({ name: "GameVIew", components: { CommentTestView, BottomBar }, data() { return { pid: 100, theme: { bgColor: "#E8E1BC", textColor: "#2f5b71", }, headImg: "https://xiaonenglife.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/static/pic/2022/11/20221109232741_head.png", videoSrc: "https://www.youtube.com/embed/zGGTLStyKX0", imgs: [ "https://xiaonenglife.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/static/pic/2022/11/20221109233251_1.png", "https://xiaonenglife.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/static/pic/2022/11/20221109233256_4.png", "https://xiaonenglife.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/static/pic/2022/11/20221109233253_2.png", "https://xiaonenglife.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/static/pic/2022/11/20221109233255_3.png", "https://xiaonenglife.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/static/pic/2022/11/20221109233253_2.png", ], html: ` description `, bottomItems: [ { text: "Studio Name", icon: "b-icon-house-heart", routerName: "home" }, { text: "Follow", icon: "b-icon-person-circle", routerName: "about" }, { text: "Collection", icon: "b-icon-collection", routerName: "about" }, { text: "Comments", icon: "b-icon-chat-dots", routerName: "about" }, ], }; }, created() { if (typeof this.$route.params.pid == "string") this.pid = parseInt(this.$route.params.pid); else this.pid = parseInt(this.$route.params.pid[0]); this.axios .get("/post/query", { params: { pid: this.pid, }, }) .then((response) => { if (!response.data) { console.log("无数据"); return; } let data = response.data[0]; console.log(data); this.theme.bgColor = data.bgcolor; this.theme.textColor = data.textcolor; this.headImg = data.headimg; this.imgs = JSON.parse(data.imgs); this.videoSrc = data.videosrc; this.html = data.html; }) .catch((err) => { console.log(err); }); }, }); </script> <style scoped> .my_button { @apply w-32 h-10 pt-2.5 text-center ml-4 border border-rose-500 text-sm text-white inline-block font-bold rounded-md; } </style>
<template> <div v-if="debug" class="m-2"> <div class="text-3xl font-bold">[DEBUG] Query Comments</div> ...... </div> <div v-if="debug" class="m-2"> <div class="text-3xl font-bold">[DEBUG] Insert Comments</div> ...... </div> <div class="m-4 border-stone-500"> <textarea id="text" class="input_text h-20 w-full" rows="3" cols="40" placeholder="Write your comment..." v-model="text" /> </div> <input type="button" value="Post comment" class=" w-32 h-10 text-center ml-4 text-sm text-white inline-block font-bold rounded-md " style="background-color: #fa5c5c" @click="insertComment" /> <comment-area :comments="comments" :uid="uid" @delete-comment="deleteComment" ></comment-area> </template> <script> import CommentArea from '@/components/common/CommentArea.vue'; export default { components: { CommentArea }, name: 'CommentTestView', props: ["debug", "initpid"], data: function () { return { pid: 0, uid: 1003, // TODO VUEX 保存用户UUID text: "", comments: [ ] } }, methods: { insertComment() { const params = new URLSearchParams(); params.append('uid', this.uid) params.append('pid', this.pid) params.append('text', this.text) this.axios.post("comment/insert", params ).then(response => { console.log(response.data) this.comments.unshift( response.data ) console.log(this.comments) }).catch(err => { console.log(err) }) }, deleteComment(id) { const params = new URLSearchParams(); params.append('id', id) this.axios.post("comment/delete", params).then(response => { console.log(response.data) this.comments = this.comments.filter(elem => { return elem.id != id }) }).catch(err => { console.log(err) }) }, queryComment() { this.axios.get("comment/query", { params: { pid: this.pid } }).then(response => { if (!response.data) { this.comments = [] return } this.comments = response.data this.comments.reverse() }).catch(err => { console.log(err) }) } }, created() { this.pid = this.initpid; this.queryComment(); let old = localStorage.getItem(`comment_${this.pid}`) if (old) { this.text = old } }, watch: { text() { localStorage.setItem(`comment_${this.pid}`, this.text) } } } </script> <style scoped> .input_text { @apply mt-2 inline-block bg-white focus:outline-none focus:ring focus:border-blue-200 py-1.5 pl-3 border border-stone-400 text-sm; } .input_button { @apply border border-rose-400 text-sm font-bold text-rose-500 rounded-sm px-4 py-1 mt-2 ml-4 active:bg-rose-400 active:text-white; } </style>
Minimal Example | Axios Docs (axios-http.com)
JSON.parse() - JavaScript | MDN (mozilla.org)
Dynamic routing using Vue Router - LogRocket Blog
常见的HTTP状态码及HTTP状态码大全-太平洋IT百科 (pconline.com.cn)